The Paris Agreement commits nations to limiting global warming to less than 2C by the end of the century. However, it is becoming increasingly apparent that, to meet such a massive challenge, societies will need to...
The Uranium
Corporation of India Limited (UCIL) is planning to resume work at its Jaduguda
mines early next year.
In a meeting held on December 27, the UCIL board passed
a resolution for "taking the matter of...
Caterpillar Inc. is retreating from the slumping coal
industry, saying it plans to put its equipment lines for underground mines up
for sale and lay off workers.
The Peoria, Ill., company said Thursday it will cut...
An aerial
view of Bitu Hijau Open pit Copper and Gold mine.
U.S. gold producer Newmont Mining Corp. said Thursday that
it would sell its 48.5% economic interest in the operator of the Batu Hijau
copper and gold mine...
BHP Billiton and Saskatchewan-based electricity provider
SaskPower have signed an agreement to establish the BHP Billiton SaskPower
Carbon Capture Knowledge Centre to help advance Carbon Capture and Storage
President Alcoa Mining Garret Dixon (left) and Huntly mine’s Jim Blacklock celebrating the one billionth milestone with mining employees. Jim is Alcoa’s longest serving mining employee, having worked for the company...