International Seminar on Design Methods in Underground Mining 2015

The Australian Center for Geomechanics will host the inaugural International Seminar on Design Methods in Underground Mining in Perth in 2015. This seminar will focus on both the numerical and empirical methods used for the design of underground metalliferous mines.
A variety of underground mining methods and designs are used to extract various ore bodies from the large and massive, to the narrow tabular, flat or steeply-dipping, in competent or weak rock masses. Some design techniques, in particular the empirical approaches, which are very useful during feasibility studies, are often specific to the mining method – whether it is a caving, an open stope mining or cut-and-fill method. Achieving a robust design at this stage is critical to ensure that the mine’s initial extraction progresses without major problems.
Once ore extraction is underway, more data becomes available and there is then an opportunity to calibrate numerical models and optimize the main mine design parameters. The International Seminar on Design Methods in Underground Mining will have a special focus on case studies where design methods have been successfully applied.

Technical challenges
Technical developments in the understanding of the rock mass and fill behavior, in conjunction with dilution measuring techniques, improved blasting, equipment, ventilation and ground support practices, currently permit the successful application of underground mining methods in increasingly complex geological and mining situations, even at great depth. In particular, an increased understanding of the design methods is required to optimize extraction sequences, leading to full orebody recovery while achieving dilution control.

Who should attend?
This exciting seminar is aimed at mine operators, geologists, surveyors and mining engineers wishing to understand and explore the full mine planning and design process; including the geotechnical implications from data collection to back analysis of stope performance.

Seminar themes:
  •          Open stope and bench mine design
  •          Narrow vein mine design
  •          Cut-and-fill/undercut-and-fill design
  •          Empirical design
  •          Dilution control
  •          Numerical modelling
  •          Rock mass classification
  •          Stress measurements
  •          Modelling of geomechanical data
  •          Monitoring
  •          Design methods for seismically active mines
  •          Drill and blasting
  •          Planning and scheduling

Keynote speakers:
  •          Dr Will Bawden, CEO of Mine Design Engineering, Canada
  •          Professor Emeritus Rimas Pakalnis, Pakalnis & Associates, and the University of British Columbia, Canada
  •         John Player, MineGeoTech, Australia
  •         Emiritus Professor Dick Stacey, Professor of Rock Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa

Conference date:  17th - 19th November, 2015.
Venue:  Novotel Perth Langley Hotel, 221 Adelaide Terrace, Perth WA 6000
Contact: Australian Centre for Geomechanics, The University of Western Australia, Civil and Mechanical Engineering Building, Room 273, Level 2, Fairway Entrance 3, CRAWLEY, WA 6009
Tel: +61 8 9221 1200 Fax: +61 8 9221 2830 Email:

For complete information regarding the conference, please visit the following link


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