In order to provide for rescue of work persons in the event of explosion, fire etc. the Mines Rescue Rules, 1985, have been framed. These apply to coal and metalliferous underground mines. The Rescue Rules provide for the establishment of rescue stations and conduct of rescue work in Mines affected by an explosion or fire, an inrush of water or influx of gases. To operate under these conditions, services of specially trained men with special rescue apparatuses are required.

The Mines Rescue Rules-1985 came into force with effect from 2nd April-1985, replacing the previous Coal Mines Rescue Rules-1959. The most important change made is that these rules are applicable to both Coal and Metalliferous mines having workings belowground. The new rule have far reaching implications, and, as it was considered not possible and expedient to enforce all the provisions immediately, a period of 3 years was provided for the change over. In the meanwhile the mine owners were to arrange for the new Rescue Stations and Rescue Rooms, and equip them with the stipulated apparatus and the rescue trained persons.

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